What's better than FAMILY? When your down & out and there's no1 to turn to their right there to pick you up......In a world of distractions and fast living it can sometimes become easy to take for granted the bonds we have formed with those we love the most. We can sometimes forget the importance of showing them how much we care for, and appreciate them on a daily basis. I mean there's nothing more in this world that I love to do then to sit down with my FAMILY and go down memory lane and just laugh until tears of joy are running down our faces :). I recently went threw something where I actually felt as if I was alone... How foolish of me to think such a thing with A loving family I have been blessed with.... But I'm mature enough to admit that I have a big part to do with my feelings of thinking I'm alone, reason being I find myself giving most of my attn to those that aren't as important as I may think or feel at a certain time in my life are... Not involving my family in my everyday life can make them feel as if they aren't appreciated. But when I reach my weakest point and there's nothing else left but them and they offer me LOVE with open arms & no questions asked now that's the real definition of LOVE from FAMILY....... I live by this saying "There's No Place Like Home" as well as "There's Nothing Like Family" So In That Case FAMILY COMES FIRST :)
My Mom (My Everything)